Date: Wed, 03/16/2016 Event Location: On-Line – free registration VIP Reminder: March 16 Talk with Data Warehousing Co-Founder Barry Devlin: “From BI to Big Data – Architecture, Ethics, and Economics” If you haven’t done so yet, register for the next free ACM
Digital Ethics: When Saying Sorry Is Not Enough – Frank Buytendijk
Date: Tue, 02/23/2016 Event Location: On-line webinar Discussion Topics: Why digital ethics are critical in big data and analytics What can happen without ethical considerations How to determine “good” and “bad” in big data and analytics PDU Category C (PMBOK 5)
Improving Software Development Productivity Minute-by-Minute
Date: Wed, 01/20/2016 Event Location: Webinar – Duration: 60 minutes (including audience Q&A) Improving Software Development Productivity Minute-by-Minute Everyone seems to want more software developed and produced faster. Yet simply ramping up the number of individuals able to produce software is not
Audit/Risk and Compliance in the IT World
Date: Tue, 01/19/2016 Event Location: Webinar CIPS Ontario Presents: “Audit/Risk and Compliance in the IT World” (Mississauga, Ontario. Jan 19 – 5pm CT Can’t attend in person? Register for the live Webinar!… There are significant challenges in ensuring the ongoing well‐being